We developed ZIP2kml for our Chem-Dry franchise clients so that they could better communicate with their customers. It allows more precise representation of service areas by allowing users to map specific zip codes. The prior solution involved using more general shapes like a circle to represent service areas, but our software allows you to achieve greater accuracy by displaying the boundaries of the specific zip codes entered.
When we developed this software for Chem-Dry Franchises, there was nothing like it available, so we at Peak Studios decided to make it available to you for download. It was developed in HTML/JS/CSS to give it a clean and easy to use interface, as well as fast processing of the zip codes. The zip code data is collected from the most complete data set of US zip codes provided by the US Census Bureau to give you the most accurate representation of the provided zip codes.
- Download the .zip file
- Double click to expand the .zip file and download the app.
- If you are unable to open the app. Check to see that your security and privacy settings allow the app by going to Settings > Security and Privacy > there should be a prompt below “allow apps downloaded from: ” that says “zipcode2kml was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer. Click “Open Anyway”

1. Enter comma separated zip codes into the text box or upload a .csv files

2. CSV files must have a column titled “zip” with valid zip codes

3. After choosing your zip codes the app will take you to the download page. Click on the file to download the output. The downloaded folder will be named “ZIP2kml_output” and will contain the .kml files.